Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Banksy on ITV

ITV London have picked up on the Banksy work in Sutton and featured it on the six and ten o'clock news programmes today. You can view the article here: http://www.itv.com/london/artorgraffitti70978/

So far there has been a lot of support for keeping the work with 85% of people who have sent an email to the council saying we should keep it.

The site will close on 31st October, so why not have your say on the Sutton Council email address artorgraffitti@sutton.gov.uk


Unknown said...

Colin! - How's things? Good to see you left IT and got really stuck into politics.

Gary (Thomson) (ML Electro-Optics)
Madrid, Spain.

Colin Hall said...

Hi Gary, it is good to hear from you. How is sunny Madrid?