Friday, April 23, 2010

Old Tory Party, Old Dirty Tricks

The old parties, notably the Conservatives are allegedly up to their old dirty tricks. Radio and TV reports yesterday said that the Cons had carried out smear briefings against Nick Clegg in time for the morning papers. Seems that they must be pretty worried - this was going to be Cameron's positive campaign!
“The vested interests of British politics are fighting back. The Liberal Democrats' remarkable surge in the opinion polls has provoked a deluge of attacks and smears on the party from those who would like to preserve the traditional two-party status quo.” The Independent
Tory Press Wades In

Under the headline 'Sun' censored poll that showed support for Lib Dems. Andrew Grice, Political Editor of The Independent alleges that Rupert Murdoch’s media machine buried a YouGov poll for The Sun that showed that voters fear a Liberal Democrat government less than they do a Conservative or Labour one.

The antidote to this is to vote Lib Dem.

Vote Lib Dem, get Lib Dem!!

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