Friday, April 23, 2010

What the newspapers say today…

“The instant verdict on the debate reflected the national polls – it’s a two-horse race between Mr Cameron and Mr Clegg..” The Daily Telegraph

“If either Labour or the Conservatives were hoping that the second party leaders' debate in Bristol last night would see the Liberal Democrat genie forced back into the bottle, it was soon obvious they were destined to be disappointed.” The Independent

“An hour after the end of the debate, a Guardian/ICM poll of 504 voters who watched the broadcast gave Clegg a narrow win, with the Lib Dem leader on 33% and Cameron and Brown on 29% each.” The Guardian

“Nick Clegg confirmed the impression that he gave last week. He is a fluent and credible presence in British politics who, by force of his televisual appeal, is making a political realignment a genuine possibility.” The Times

“.. where the Liberal Democrats' policies are liberal, democratic, and fiscally responsible, they should be applauded. And where their leader urges an open-minded, co-operative approach to Britain's relations with the wider world, he deserves the full-voiced support of those who share those values.” The Independent

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